Frequently asked questions

Before contacting Framasoft using the form in this contact page, please check that the answer is not included in the list below.

We remind you that no answers will be given to questions concerning the functioning of free software. For this, please use our forums.

The association Framasoft

I would like to invite Framasoft for our event.

Thank you! Framasoft volunteers work about thirty times a year throughout France. It is therefore possible that we may be able to participate in your event.'

However, please understand that the association’s energies are not infinite, and that our priority is above all to develop online awareness actions. Consequently, we cannot respond to all requests, especially if geographical issues are taken into account, or if - quite simply - none of our members are available on the desired date.

To make us a proposal for an intervention, simply write to us via the form on the home page of this site, choose Invitation à un événement, and give precise indications in your message: Who (are you)?, When (is the intervention planned)?, Where (is the demonstration taking place)?, What (conference? round table? stand? other?), etc.

We will answer you promptly to let you know if a member of the association is available.

I would like to contact or meet someone from the association for an interview.

With pleasure! All you have to do is write to us via the form on the home page of this site, choose Invitation à un événement and let us know your request. We will send you by return email the contact details of a member who can then answer your questions.

I heard you're closing your services! What's going on?

Everything is well explained in our blog post:


Alternative donations: can I make a donation in Bitcoin or via Lilo, Flattr, Tipeee, Benevity etc…?

This type of initiative may be honourable, but for our association it involves an accounting expense (many entries, audits, etc.) which in fact leads into additional costs of paid time and/or accounting expertise. Unfortunately, most of the time, the donations received through these channels would not be able to cover the additional expenses incurred to record them in the accounts. That is why we prefer to stick to the donation system we propose (which also has the advantage of being able to offer a tax deduction to French taxpayers).


I want to join the Framasoft’s community.

To participate, register on the Framacolibris forum, think about presenting yourself, your skills, your desires… and what you want to bring in the common pot. A Frama-team will be present to welcome you, answer you and guide you in our projects and needs.


How can I delete my account?

It is not possible for users to delete their account (the software we use but do not develop does not allow this and does not seem to be going to do so because it requires too many changes).

You have to request it from the address associated with the account to be deleted, and specifying the name of your account.


How can I delete my account?

To delete your account you have to:

  • click Config
  • click USER INFORMATION tab

If you remove your account, ALL your articles, ALL your tags, ALL your annotations and your account will be PERMANENTLY removed (it can’t be UNDONE). You’ll then be logged out.


I can’t connect to my board nor reset my password: what can I do?

To log in or reset you password you have to use your username, not your email address.

Warning: your username is case sensitive. You must enter the exact spelling!

If you don’t remember you username, please contact us from the same email address as your Framaboard account.

How can I delete my board?

The software we use for Framaboard does not allow you to delete your space yourself: you must request it from the email address associated with the administrator account by specifying the address of your framaboard.

If you want to delete a user, you can do it form your admin settings.


How to delete a calc? How long will my data stay online?

Since the creation of a calc is anonymous, it is impossible to propose deleting the data, otherwise anyone could delete any calc. However, the layers are deleted after one year of inactivity (no access, no modification), in order to avoid increasing our database indefinitely. In the meantime you can select all the cells and delete the content. Be careful, however, this will not delete the content of the history (the data will still be available).


How can I print my Framacarte?

There is no such feature in umap. You have to use the Print feature of your browser.

You can follow this issue evolution here:

I can no longer edit the map I created without an account.

The map can only be edited from the same web browser and if you do not purge your profile (cookie, offline data, etc.) or by following the edit link given to you at the time of creation.

The map editing link is in the form of:

https:/<id of the map>:<random characters>

Perhaps you can find it in your browsing history?

Otherwise contact us, remembering to give us the public link to the map, your IP address, your web browser and the date you created your map. Since you created your map without an account, we need these elements to ensure that you are the person who created the map.

To avoid these inconveniences you can create an account. Once it's done, you have to click the anonymous edit link while you are connected to recover map edition.


I can't find my poll's link.

From the home page of Framadate you will find the link Where are my polls?

Enter the email address you used to create the survey in the form; the administration link will be automatically sent back to this address.

If you don't receive an email, contact us, we will send you the link.


How to extend form limitation?

The maximum duration before your form expires is set to 6 months. You may renew your form’s validity by:
  • clicking Modifier
  • clicking Autres options
  • changing date
  • clicking Enregistrer

Is it possible to have english interface?

No, it is not. It may add a lot of complexity for developers (especially with UX/Design for all language stuff).


How can I delete my account?

To delete your account, you have to:

  • go to your settings
  • enter your password into Deleting your account section
  • click I understand that I will be unsubscribed from all my lists and that my account will be permanently deleted. checkbox
  • click Submit button

Please note that you can not delete your account if you are the only owner of one or more lists. You have to choose another owner before.

Accounts without any lists (as subscriber, owner or editor) will be deleted each month.

How to add emails massively? (.csv files, etc.)

That is not possible. We want to prevent spammers from taking advantage of Framalistes to subscribe thousands of addresses and spam them in a few clicks. We have therefore voluntarily deactivated the registration of batches of emails by the owner and limited the number of members per list to 500 email addresses.

To register a large number of members, there is no other solution than to send them a link to the subscription page of the list or to add them manually one by one with patience.

Can I use Framalistes for my newsletter?

In one word: no. The tool would be able to do this, but it is not adapted to create virtuous lists (with a double opt-in, email verification, etc.) So, using Framalistes in unilateral mode (from one to all) can put all users of Framalistes at risk: if a list is classified as spam by large email providers, it is actually all emails from all framalistes that would automatically move to spam folders in mailboxes. We do not have the means (human, financial, technical) to manage such uses and especially their consequences; and we do not want some uses to make this shared service inoperable.

If you are looking for a free/libre service for your newsletters, we recommend using PHPList.

How can I cutomize the signature of the emails on my list?

That’s not possible! We have configured Sympa (the software behind Framalistes) so that any email sent from this service displays a link to unsubscribe from the list it comes from.

Beyond the legal obligation, it is an important ethical and technical choice: it seems essential to us that everyone can be free to unsubscribe easily from any email list, and this prevents people on your list from classifying it as SPAM (an action that, in the long run, could classify all messages from all framalists as spam among the largest email providers).

On the other hand, it is possible to add one above the existing one, and/or to add a header to the emails in your list. An issue is opened in the sympa repository about it.


I have "api disabled" message when I try to use Framanews with an app: what can I do?

Ttrss doesn’t allow us to automatically activate API. You have to do it by:
  • clicking Actions (right up corner)
  • clicking Preferences…
  • clicking check icon in front of **Enable API access
  • clicking Save configuration


How to delete my account?

You have to:
  • click
  • click Your settings
  • click Delete my account
  • click Yes, delete my account

The web interface and the application do not synchronize my notes.

The applications have been updated to version 0.7.

This version requires the migration of your data to the new version of the server. We have deployed this new version of the server, but we have not yet tested it. If you want to play it safe, don’t install the new version (see here to install the previous version of the android application (not recommended though: outdated application is potentially a dangerous app)).

If you want to test the new version (meaning no more synchronization between the application and the web interface):

  • put for "Old Turtl server"
  • put for "Turtl server"

Warning!: Our web interface is using the old version of the server, do not migrate if you want to continue using it. Due to the profound changes in Turtl, we probably won’t be able to offer a web interface for a long time (depending on this ticket).


How to delete a pad?

Since the creation of a pad is anonymous, it is impossible to propose deleting the data, otherwise anyone could delete any pad. However, the pads are deleted after a certain period of inactivity (no modification), in order to avoid making our database grow indefinitely.

This period is 24 hours for a pad created on the instance, one month on the instance etc… Meanwhile you can select all the content and delete it. Be careful, however, this will not delete the content of the history (the data will still be available).

I would like to include an image on my pad.

It is not possible to integrate an image directly into Framapad. However, you can use Framapic to share your images, and for example, paste the link of your hosted image into the pad.


Is there a limit to the number of connected users?

Apparently not. The only limit is the bandwidth limit (you can save bandwidth by disabling the video).

However, since Framatalk is based on the weakest Internet connection, it is not recommended to make conversations with more than 2 people (unless each participant is on a sufficient connection (fiber for example) in which case 3 or 4 participants are possible).


Can I export my team?

No, you can’t export your team datas from Framateam to another mattermost instance. There is an export command line but it only allows to export all teams.

There is a request to allow to allow team admins to export their data. You can vote for it here.


How can I create account on Framatube and upload videos?

PeerTube's instance Framatube is not open for registration. Therefore, you cannot upload videos on it.

However, you can create an account and upload videos on the PeerTube instance of your choice.


How can I delete my account?

If your account has posted messages older than 60 days, it is only possible for us to anonymize your account (your account will be deleted but your messages will remain visible on Framacolibri - without indication of your username - in order not to "break" the conversations in which you have participated). In order to delete or anonymize your Framacolibri account, you must request it, either by sending a direct message in Framacolibri to the "moderateurs" group, or by using our contact form (in this case, request it from the email address associated with your Framacolibri account and specify your username).


Everything is in french! How can I get the english version?

We are currently translating our home pages, but it takes time, so not all of them are translated yet. However, the softwares we offer are mostly in English (and not developed by us). Exceptions are: Framaforms, Framasite… If you want to help us translate, please join our translation platform.

Are you GDPR compliant?

To summarize: it is ongoing. While most Internet companies and start-ups generally manage only a few services and databases, and have significant resources, we are a small non-profit organization that offers more than 30 services and even more websites. Complying with the GDPR directives will take us some time.

Important points concerning the collection and processing of data at Framasoft:

  • The data is generally backed up between 1 and 2 months on our servers after it has been deleted (in case of a crash/major problem on the server, so that the service can be restored at a given time) and is then completely deleted.
  • Your data remains on European soil: in Germany or France (see our legal notice)
  • Our statistical visit analysis software (Matomo) is configured to respect the non- tracking choices ("Do Not Track" parameter of the browser), anonymizes the data and it is kept for 6 months (and is not transferred to third parties or used for any other purpose). You can exclude yourself from our statistics on this page
  • We do not place any third-party cookies (such as advertising network) on your machines, we do not have any partnership for data collection or transmission, we do not perform any individual data analysis. In other words, we take care of your data, and above all: we are not interested in them.
  • Your data can be deleted on request via our contact page (specifying the site concerned, its identifier, and using the same email for the request as the one of the account to be deleted)

Our compliance with the DGMP is therefore still imperfect, but our association promoting privacy, we are committed to respecting it.

A single account to connect to all services (aka SSO), is that possible?

No. We do not (and will not) offer unified accounts because the services we offer use software developed by different and independent teams (of which we are, in most cases, not part). Each software evolves on its own and maintaining a service that would unite them (in addition to our custom versions) would be particularly time-consuming.

In addition, it would create an SPOF (Individual Point of Failure): if unified authentication is compromised, everything is compromised (or everything fails if it fails).

I have lost my codes, can you disable double authentication (2FA) of my account?

For security reasons Framasoft will not disable two-step authentication (2FA) of an account: it would be against the interest of using two-step authentication.

When activating two-step authentication, two-step authentication deactivation codes are provided to you by the site you are using. You must copy and store these deactivation codes securely and permanently.

Framasoft will not be able to provide you these codes if you lose them.

Could you give me a user's IP address?

If the request is not justified by legal proceedings, we do not, as a matter of principle, disclose users' IP addresses. Even if we understand the reasons for this type of request when there is, for example, insults or vandalism on collaborative documents, in other contexts (journalism, legal proceedings, union meetings...) if we started to reveal the IP addresses of our users on simple request it could have serious consequences on their anonymity.

Moreover, the IP address is not always a sufficient indicator that it is the right person: someone may type text while the person is temporarily away.

Realization and design : JosephK
Illustration : David Revoy (Creative Commons By 4.0)